An open-source software for the simulation of seismic wave phenomena and earthquake dynamics


Snapshot of a SeisSol simulation of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake (extracted from

SC23: Conversing Faults: The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake

Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase at SC23

Led by the Texas Advanced Computing Center, results of the Ridgecrest simulations were presented as an SC23 Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase at SC23: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.


More info in our blog post; see the full video on YouTube.

Dynamic rupture simulation of the 2018 Palu (Sulawesi) earthquake and tsunami (Krenz et al., 2021); the respective SC21 paper also motivated the scenario for the Mystery Application for the SC22 Student Cluster Competition).

Earthquake simulation ...

SeisSol enables dynamic rupture modelling on realistic geometries

SeisSol is a high-performance computational seismology software to simulate complex earthquake scenarios. It supports various rheologies (isotropic elastic, anisotropic elastic, acoustic, viscoelastic, poroelastic), boundary conditions and dynamic rupture laws. SeisSol uses high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretisation with an Arbitrary DERivative (ADER) local time stepping scheme on unstructured adaptive tetrahedral meshes.

... meets Supercomputing!

Proven scalability and high-performance on many HPC systems

SeisSol follows an MPI+X parallelization model, using OpenMP threading or CUDA/HIP/SYCL, and exhibits excellent performance and scalability on a suitable range of supercomputing platforms.

Per-node performance on SuperMUC (M), Shaheen II (S), and Cori (C).

High parallel efficiency and fast time-to solution using local time-stepping (LTS).

Meet the cheesequake challenge (video on YouTube)

We tetrahedra

Automatic mesh generation to simulate waves in highly complex geometries.

SeisSol offers example workflows based on the Gmsh and Simmetrix mesh generation packages. See the SeisSol Tutorials and Cookbook for examples.